“The Babes weren’t the most commercially successful girl group,
but their music definitely made the brightest moment of teens in 60s Malaysia.”

The Babes are Malaysian girl group founded in 1964.
They released their only EP “Be-Bop-Babes!” from Mt.River Records and became sensation.
They presented a new way of teens' lifestyle in Malaysia and became legend.
More than 50 yeas later, their music comes back with great sound quality to deliver teens in 2010s the sweetest moments.


「The Babesは最も成功したグループではないが、彼女たちの楽曲が

The Babesは1964年に結成したマレーシアのガールポップグループ。
あれから50年以上が過ぎた今、彼女たちの音楽が高音質で復活。The Babesは2010年代のティーンたちにステキな瞬間を届けに帰ってきます。

The Babes will bring Hot & Sweet 1964 back to you!!!

The Babes are a Malaysian girl group from Kuala Lumpur. The trio consisted Nabila Iman, Shasha Nelson, and Jay Zainab. In 1964, they released their only EP “Be-Bop-Babes!” on Mt. River Records and the lead track “I Hold You Back” charted at number 1 on the Malaysian international chart for several weeks. Then the EP was released in the U.S. in the same year but was not successful. Shortly after that the group was dismissed in 1965.
Even though the trio was active in a very short time of period and the EP is almost forgotten in the music history, their incredibly conceptual musical work, where the beginning and end of love of a teenage girl is told in sequence in 5 songs, just reminds the works of their peers, like the Ronettes, the Crystals, etc.
In 2015, its original master tape was founded in the U.S. in miraculously great condition, and this re-issue project begun. The hidden gems of pop history are now unveiled with high-resolution sound quality.

ロネッツ、クリスタルズ、シャングリラズ…今も色褪せぬ60年代ガールポップグループ史の隠れた名作、The Babes(ザ・ベイブス)の「Be-Bop-Babes!」待望の再発!

The BabesはThe CrystalsやThe Ronnets等のガールズ・ボーカル・グループ全盛の60年代中期にNabila Iman、Shasha Nelson、Jay Zainabの三人によりマレーシアにて結成。1964年そのキャリアでただ一枚のシングルである「Be-Bop-Babes!」をリリース。当時、同時代的にアメリカン・ポップスを模倣したサウンドを鳴らすグループはマレーシアには存在せず、その洗練されたサウンドは新鮮味を持って受け入れられ、ローカルヒットします。本国でのヒットを受け、ガールズ・ポップの本場アメリカに「逆輸入」を画策しそれを実行するも、結果は惨敗。その後リリースする機会を持つこと無く、翌65年には解散。あえなくその短い歴史に幕を引くこととなります。

The Babes
2017 Remaster ver.

MRRC-0001 ¥1000 (+tax)

1. Little Girl Rock'n'Roll
2. I Hold You Back
3. Trial of Love
4. A Good Girl
5. Love Me

Producer: Shuhei Watanabe
Arranger: Ansen Liuba
Engineer: Suzuji Michinabe
Label: Mt. River Records (Malaysia/Japan)
Original release: 1964 (Malaysia/US)

・武蔵小山 PET SOUNDS RECORD:http://www.petsounds.co.jp/
・上石神井 東京おかっぱちゃんハウス:https://www.okappachan.com/
